Listserv Guidelines

The purpose of this email list is to announce trips and publish outdoor related mailings, and to otherwise provide a convenient way for outing clubbers to communicate with each other.  Commercial postings are prohibited unless approved by the MOC executive (see the web page for e-mail addresses, else send a message to info@

*Keep your language nice and respectable*

Things that are OK for the list:

  • Asking advice for planning a trip
  • Offering or requesting a ride for an outdoors trip you have planned or to the MOC house
  • Important safety information (gear recalls, dangerous conditions)
  • Selling used outdoors gear (within reason, please do not spam if no one wants it!)
  • Information on courses that may be of interest to the MOC (WFA, mountaineers skills, etc)

Things that are NOT OK on the list:

  • Offering or requesting a ride somewhere not for the outdoors (ie Toronto and NYC are not ok, but if you are doing a road trip to Vancouver to visit all the national parks post it!)
  • Any plans involving illegal activities
  • Generally, anything not outdoors related
  • Commercial Advertisement
  • Activities for another club

If you do have a “special post” that falls into the category above, email info@ Someone will then let you know whether or not you can post your message – most of the time there shouldn’t be any problems with the post, but we do need to have control over this aspect of the list.

If you aren’t sure, use your common sense – if you don’t, and your post clearly abuses one of the above rules, we will just delete your account. If your post is controversial, or might otherwise be inappropriate, we will send you one email to tell you. If you repeat your post (or a similar one) after we email you, we will delete your account.

-MOC list admin

PS. These are GUIDELINES, not hard, set-in-stone rules. If you think that these guidelines suck, email me!