NEW SLACK: we’re trying out Slack as a possible alternative to the listserv. JOIN LINK. Listserv is still operational.

Join our email list of 3,000+ people to get updates on what the MOC is up to! You do not need to be a member to join the list.

To send a message to the list, email PLEASE REMEMBER NOT TO HIT REPLY ALL UNLESS ALL 3,000+ PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!

Things that are OK for the list:
  • Asking advice for planning a trip
  • Offering or requesting a ride for an outdoors trip you have planned or to the MOC house
  • Important safety information (gear recalls, dangerous conditions)
  • Selling used outdoors gear (within reason, please do not spam if no one wants it!)
  • Information on courses that may be of interest to the MOC (WFA, mountaineers skills, etc)
Things that are NOT OK on the list:
  • Offering or requesting a ride somewhere not for the outdoors (ie Toronto and NYC are not ok, but if you are doing a road trip to Vancouver to visit all the national parks post it!)
  • Roommate requests
  • Any plans involving illegal activities
  • Generally, anything not outdoors related
  • Commercial Advertisement

If you’re not sure that your message is right for the list, email and we’ll let you know!

Please read the guidelines for more details.

To Join our Listserv:

  1. Connect to McGill’s Wifi or McGill’s VPN
  2. Send an e-mail (with a blank subject line) to containing the following text command:
    subscribe moc “YOUR NAME HERE”
    For example:
    subscribe moc Michael Jackson
  3. Wait for a confirmation email (check junk/spam folders), then follow the instructions (click on the link, or reply with “OK”)

To Unsubscribe (Only works on McGill Wifi or McGill VPN):

  1. Connect to McGill’s Wifi or McGill’s VPN
  2. Send an e-mail (with a blank subject line) to containing the following text command:
    unsubscribe moc


If you are NOT on McGill Wifi/VPN, as a last resort you can fill out this google form.

IF NONE OF THIS WORKS, email us at and we can help you out!!